Our Testimonials

"8年級的姐姐及7年級的弟弟已經跟Scott上了三年多,我們最欣賞的是他對孩子的認真態度,仔細度,以及具有娛樂性的系統性教學。 他的教材及方式都在一直更新,搭配國外的學習工具網站,讓上課不會枯燥無趣,並且都有紀錄,讓孩子可隨時上網複習,也讓家長更容易了解學習的進度。"
"Teacher Scott 已經教導我的兩個小孩英文6年多了,他不但是我到目前為止遇過最認真的家教老師,也提供了專業且為每個小朋友量身打造的課程,以便快速的提升小朋友的英語程度.更棒的是他是一個耐心傾聽且負責任的老師,非常感謝Scott對我小孩的努力及付出。"
"我們家 Trevor 在Wallace English 上課已經三年了。Scott對學生們的要求很認真, 如果家長願意參與小孩的進度,他也會很詳細的分析小孩子的進度及優缺點。Scott不喜歡家長把他當作一個家教,他的責任不是幫學生溫習功課或是準備考試,而是替學生們提升自我能力,這點我們很贊同。當然課業上有疑問Scott也會不吝嗇的提供開導。我們對Scott很信任,他是個負責人的導師。"
"I taught English to college students for over 20 years and was an English teacher trainer for years but I can’t teach my own children as I’m their parent not their teacher. I’m grateful to have Scott as my son’s English teacher and mentor. Scott is someone whom parents can trust, he will put in the extra mile to get to know your kid and help them to achieve the goals set. Learning is a long journey and Scott is the right partner and coach for my son."
“Wallace English helps my son a lot. He used to hate English, but now he is delightful each time after class. He is eager to tell us what is the difference between two similar words. He enjoys leaning English by using English. Now, learning English is not a painful job, but a fun work full of passion."